Every week at Wynfit makes me proud, seeing everyone have fun, making friends and pushing hard to improve.
If you just run around the block everyday, guess what, you’ll get good at running around that block at the same pace and never improve that level.
All of you are taking your running to a new level and achieving new pbs in Parkrun, running fun runs and getting fitter.
It was such a thrill to see Brenda cross the line at her first ever 15k not only race but run on Sunday. To see her gutsy effort to complete the run was the start of something special.
I am sure not only Brenda but all of you will go on in the next 12 months and achieve truly great improvement.
I’d really like you all to aim at the Wyndham Rotary 10k Fun Run on March 4 I think it is an achievable goal. Then maybe we can’t look to the Run Melbourne in July.
All this takes planning and effort Be Wynfit